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Cupcake Bouquets

large pale pink bouquet

large pale pink bouquet

medium peach bouquet

medium peach bouquet

Small pink and purple bouuqet

Small pink and purple bouuqet

large pink and purple bouquet with number topper

large pink and purple bouquet with number topper

small sunflower and blue bouquet

small sunflower and blue bouquet

small bouquet in pink tones

small bouquet in pink tones

medium blue bouquet

medium blue bouquet

small purple and red bouquet

small purple and red bouquet

small bouquet in purple tones

small bouquet in purple tones

medium pale pink bouquet with card topper

medium pale pink bouquet with card topper

small purple and turquoise bouquet

small purple and turquoise bouquet

medium bright pink and purple bouquet

medium bright pink and purple bouquet

large orange and yellow bouquet

large orange and yellow bouquet

large red and white bouquet with card topper

large red and white bouquet with card topper

Our beautiful cupcake bouquets come in a range of colours and flavours and are presented in a luxury display box. They can be collected from Hampton, Peterborough or delivered locally as a surprise gift. 

  • Small bouquet containing 7 cupcakes in 1 flavour - £35


  • Medium bouquet containing 12 cupcakes in 2 flavours - £40


  • Large bouquet containing 19 cupcakes in 2 flavours - £50

  • Available in vanilla, lemon or chocolate (chocolate cupcakes are decorated with vanilla buttercream)


  • A single number fondant topper can be added at no extra cost



  • Collection is available from Hampton, Peterborough


  • Delivery within Peterborough, Yaxley and Farcet is available for a £5 charge, subject to availability  

  • Delivery outside these areas in Cambridgeshire and the surrounding counties is sometimes possible depending on availability, for an extra charge. Please get in touch for a delivery quote. 

A minimum of 2 weeks notice is advised on bouquet orders, however they can sometimes be ordered with less notice, providing we have availability.

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